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关于 CLA
Foreign National Program Details
我们 专门协助外国公民和非美国居民获得最实惠的抵押贷款 为他们的投资融资 特性。 当其他贷方说不时,我们会说是,而且通常贷款与价值的比率要高得多。
* Up to 90% Loan to Value
* Three credit reference letters to satisfy trade lines
* DTI up to 50% considered
* Second Homes and Investment Properties only
* SFRs, town homes, condos, 2-4 units
* No SSN or ITIN required
* 6 months reserves required in U.S. bank account
* 3yr / 5yr ARM & 30-year Fixed Terms available
* Loans up to $5,000,000 (minimum $200,000)
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